Style story
Pride and Prejudice of Women’s Rights
Watching the movie Pride and Prejudice the other day overwhelmed my heart with pure joy, a beautiful ode to love. Furthermore, three things were in focus: the Bennet sisters liveliness,…
{Fringe Confession}
The equations of my redesigning are unexplainable, something of higher sense. I admit I talk to clothes. We sit, we feel and smell each other... Only then I dare to…
{50 Shades, part 2}
The idea of wearing blazer as a shirt tucked into skirt or pants is just great, yet quite hard to execute since blazer are made of thicker fabric. Imagine being…
{50 Shades of grey, part 1}
Was the red room which started the people's imagination, the sado-mazo sex relation, which in everyday life stays as a tabu theme? The phenomenon of popularity is mysterious, but so…
{Social media climber}
This wall of hands give me a buzz for social climbing. Do you feel me? Or was it because of Venice beach in LA, where this hotel is placed. One…
{Wide wider the widest}
Second pleasure is written in the All-in-one phrase; it is ALL there in one piece, right? You dont need to spend extra time on wizard fashion tricky style combinations. What…
{Stripes over lace}
1. Lace dress is typical categorised as evening dress, right? This one is a little exception. Its length and different up/down lace pattern gives it the chance of daily wear…
RE:Burberry 3/3
To present our Burberry trench upcyling in complete, following are some extra photos of redesign and styling with the old/new baby. Don't burn, don't trow, don't donate if not necessary.…
RE:Burberry 2/3
This post comes at the perfect timing when Burberry is all over the news revealing their unsustainable actions of burning unsold stocks. But hey, we all knew this. Havent you?!
{Flamingo of Japan}
TB to Japan last year. We were blessed to enjoy the worlds oldest hotel. Yes, the oldest in the world! Actually it is the second oldest buy hey, who cares…
{Old blue luxury}
My royal blue gown is redesigned from 3 pieces. Does that make it less beautiful? On the contrary, right?! The blue lace shirt is 80s second hand piece quite useless…
{United three-some magic}
What is skirt/pants skirt. Not exactly the best name though the grey maxi skirt is spliced in half in the middle, consequently by walking it gives the felling of wide…
{Flowers are forever}
Flowers. Particularly those romantic creatures growing on a meadow. But there is more that makes this dress the ultimate. This one has stolen the heart of each and every woman.…
{Corset – King of the evening}
Wear a trench coat over a corset. If the corset is the king of the evening, the trench coat is the king of the street. Go on, wear it like…
{Pale blue American dream}
I dont like to turn political in my fashion posts, yet the new FLOTUS is drawing my attention. It is Melania, and her nationality. She is Slovenian, like I am.…
{Magic of Dracula cape}
First, how many of you have ever considered buying a cape? The magician-style one, yes, yes, full-length, reaching to the ground. Of course not, none of you. How can a…
{Stripes on Squares}
Shapes, stripes, rectangles they are constantly the subject of art, trying to visualize the space we live in, the objects that intersect our lives all the time. They are indeed…
Androgynous series, 1
Fashions tendency towards mixing genders is growing visibly on the catwalk, with both the models selections and the designs of the collections. The trend of blurring the line between the…
{Post American election style}
I am writing this in the post-election days of America, with Trumps surprising win. There the blue-collar class determined the result and here, it determines my outfit. Mirroring the working-class…
{crop-top, 1}
What draws the line between men and women in fashion? Well, the line has been blurring more and more over the past years, but still Could it be a bra?…
{Skirt- over- pants-re-do}
This lace skirt is the IT skirt, so, so multi-practical, Ill show you in time you know, re-use, re-style, re-think!! This is my second outfit with it. Never mind the…
{shirt, 1}
Looks so simple, yet how many times have you done it? Not a single time, right? That would be the most common answer. Which triggers my so common question: Why…
{P(B)each strolling}
This extends my previous writing on shirt-wise beach wear packing. This peachy shirt is my no.1 multi-purpose shirt, deserving a solo post.
Especially if you use skates as a means…
{Beach-wear provisioning}
MY MAURITIUS HOLIDAYS one year ago were a beach-style liberation Still not crossed over but close to the ideal of How to pack for sea holidays.
{open back, 1}
Here is my big fashion puzzle: is minimalism inborn or imparted in our culture?Have you ever examined that? Is such an issue even questionable?Youre probably expecting me to present a…
{Green on green for Earth Day!}
Its much past Earth Days or the Fashion Revolution Week nevertheless it makes me want to wear this emerald green without hesitation. Have you heard of Fashion Revolution yet?
{sleeve, 1}
LOOKING AT THE PERSON from the front, what are the possible style details that will catch your attention the most? 1) a deep V-neck, 2) head/belt accessories, 3) an oversized…
{All in (one) two!}
This happens when you cannot choose a jumpsuit over a dress and vice versa. And yes, its allowed! You want to go for a jumpsuit to be more ready to…
{triangle, 2}
In New York City, as Broadway crisscrosses major avenues, the resulting blocks are cut like triangles, and buildings have been built on these shapes; one such building is the triangularly…
{Sleeving & Scarfing Fun}
Sleeving helps to fight the cold. What is sleeving anyway? My definition is two wide sleeves or three normal long sleeves in one outfit. Every so often, though, when its…
{Give grandma's skirt a ride}
Vintage lace does not need to be confined only to grandma's attire, and the leather cowboy shirt has long since become more than just a Wild West uniform.Combining them gives…
{Coat on coat love affair}
THE ONE AND ONLY reason for having doubts when it comes to moving to L.A.: Coats!The queen of a womans wardrobe.Wrapping yourself in it already in September and having an…
{Evening simplicity}
Today the signal of femininity does not translate to hips measurement any more. Or at least not to such an extent (well, with the exception of Kim Kardashian?!). And tartan…
RE: Burrberry 1/3
It is a perfect trench, dont even dare to cut it. I imagine how upset and disturbed you are feeling about the idea to cut this classic Burberry fashion. And…
{Split it down the middle}
IT IS TIME TO TALK about body figure struggles every woman is exposed to. My typical weight problems derive from an unbalanced body structure, having a skinnier upper part of…
{triangle, 1}
TRIANGLE LACE INSERTS in the dress visuales strong statement of the person wearing it. There is defenitely some ambitious iniciatives to take on tonight.
Form of three spike edges is…