Suits' redesign heaven

Clothes with stories

2 days ago in 17 stories

Suits are heaven for up-cycling. Literally. Their “before/after” possibilities are end-less.

In this mini collection you can see cases of my re-design of jackets donated by top business women in Slovenia. Most of them were re-purchased which showcases a successful way of educating people about the possibilities of re-using old clothes and contributing to less fast fashion pollution. Business women are the biggest consumers of clothes and at the same time the most important group at which the initiative of fashion sustainability is targeted. Rational consumerism and creative re-styling & up-cycling are the future of business fashion. 

My dream is to re-design at least a million old suits of the world, to mix the energy of them and create new life for each of them. Clothes with stories. Stories of people. Uniqueness.

"Fashion as Industry may disappoint, but Fashion as Art always inspires."